Issue 001.02


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SO WHAT IS HOLODECK? To each his own

For the Star Trek Junkie   For the Lexicophile

Star Trek Universe - The Holodeck Homesick? Want to go skiing? Chat with Sir Isaac Newton? The Holographic Environment Simulator, generally referred to as the Holodeck, can recreate simulated experiences - any place, any time, with anyone - so real that some find life in the holodeck's simulated reality more interesting than their real lives. Psychologists realized long ago that being locked up in an artificial environment for extended periods of time can be mentally unhealthy. Starfleet has worked for years to create an energy-efficient, virtual reality system that offers a much-needed mental vacation.

Holodeck technology becomes practical at about the Galaxy-class ships are created, and quickly becomes a basic requirement for most starships.The USS Enterprise NCC 1701D is no exception. Deck 11 houses four full-sized holodecks, while Decks 12 and 33 host 20 smaller holosuites. Safety Although a crew member can still break a leg while skiing or get a shiner from a boxer, safety parameters are built into the holodeck systems that prevent serious injury or death.Safety systems can go off-line, but this is unusual, and is normally the result of shipwide difficulties. Some individuals establish a psychologically dangerous dependency on the holodeck. This condition is known as holodiction.

While it is not common, it is often very difficult to resolve, especially as holodiction usually marks deeper problems. Most crew members simply enjoy the ride and use the holodeck for its intended purpose. Places, such as Quarks on Deep Space Nine, provide facilities where you can purchase a program, and hire out a holosuite, and enjoy your (or someone else's) favorite fantasies.


Main Entry: 1deck
Pronunciation: 'dek
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English dekke covering of a ship, from (assumed) Middle Dutch dec covering, probably from Middle Low German vordeck, from vordecken to cover, from vor- for- + decken to cover; akin to Old High German decchen to cover

1 : a platform in a ship serving usually as a structural element and forming the floor for its compartments
2 : something resembling the deck of a ship: as a : a story or tier of a building b : the roadway of a bridge c : a flat floored roofless area adjoining a house d : the lid of the compartment at the rear of the body of an automobile; also : the compartment e : a layer of clouds
3 a : a pack of playing cards b : a packet of narcotics
4 : TAPE DECK - on deck 1 : ready for duty 2 : next in line : next in turn

Our Mission :

Is to inspire us to be "Over the edge" Internet Architects, by showcasing breakthrough ideas and innovations in digital content that lie at the intersection of business, design and technology.

For those who support KOYAANISQATSI into the web

      KO.VAA.NIS.KATSI [ From the HOP1 language] NOUN  1) Crazy life
      2) A state of life that calls for another way of living eg Biological koyaanisqatsi

Not for the answers that might be given, but for the questions that can be raised is this newsletter established. Indeed, the question is the mother of the answer. HOLODECK's task is to raise questions that only its audience might answer. As the general focus of
HOLODECK is the design milieu, it is the purpose of this newsletter to foster a web-dialogue on this little understood, yet ubiquitous subject - the nature of design.

What we know about the subject is vastly promotive, over-the-top positive, coming to us from the producers of global technology. A glowing wonderland of unlimited opportunity is promised by the good life of the design order. Infinite capacity, virtual immortality, super human cognition - attributes that have until now been reserved for the divine are indicated for technology. A new design pantheon has been established in the horizonless world of the Blue Planet.

But is design what it appears to be? Have we looked behind the shimmer of its glowing surface? Very little, if anything, reveals its meaning through mere appearances. Most everything is more complex, full with a universe of hidden dimensions. Is design an exception to this common experience? Or, have we accepted its truth as the truth? Is design a new and comprehensive environment, the host of life, that has replaced the natural order? Is technology the new universal religion? Can faiths unquestioned become our prisons? Should we place blind faith in the design- clergy of the new order? Does the computer reproduce the world in its own image and likeness? Is technology a mere tool, as we are told, that can be used or misused depending on one's intentions? Is design neutral? Does it possess a life of its own? Is it the effect of design on this or that (the environment, etc.), or is it that everything is situated in technology? Has technology become an addiction, an altered state that we cannot live without? Is design a way of living? Do we use design or do we live technology? Is it our consciousness that informs our behavior or is it our behavior that informs our consciousness? Do we now live in a world beyond the senses, in a micro- universe, where small is dangerous? Is design synonymous with the machine or has it become ordinary daily living? What better place to raise these and other questions than on/in the global Internet?

This high-tech nervous system, this digital alchemy, this synthetic organism that is changing the world seems ideally suited for such a task. If entering the medium questioned to raise questions seems contradictory, this is because it is. (To freely embrace this contradiction is the motivation for this newsletter). Like the oxygen we breathe, technology and design are the big forces, omnipresent and inescapable. They appear as a force of nature. Who can question nature or acts of god? Something this prevailing, this present, is normally taken for granted. Only the heretic could dare to be so blasphemous. Could it be that our language is no longer capable of describing the world in which we live? Perhaps, the world we see with old eyes and antique ideas is no longer present. Do we inhabit a technological universe the laws of which are unknown? The world we see is being left behind. A new untellable world is unfolding.

As the human race accelerates into the twenty-first century, we enter a virtual, digital environment, a world where far and near, past, present and future are simultaneous realities. The human center of gravity seems to be blasted into the void. Our bodies are less central to our lives, our physical involvement with an increasing synthetic world grows less. Have we arrived at an unthinkable post-natural and post-human condition? Does this singular event offer to all that will, the extraordinary opportunity to re-name the world in which we live?

These are the questions that motivated us and, hence, the newsletter that we offer for your participation, inquiry and dialogue. This is our beginning effort to support KOYAANISQATSI into the web, to surf its digital tidal waves.

In closing we offer a quote from Elias Canetti, a Nobel Laureate for literature: A tormenting thought: as of a certain point, history was no longer real. Without noticing it, all mankind suddenly left reality.

             Reproduced from http://www.koyaanisqatsi.com/ ( With a lot of changes)
A film by Godfrey Reggio

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Here is a list of potential gems.

  1) http://www.reflect.com/
  "Trendy is a moment
Personal is a lifetime"
An e-commerce site with a very complete personalisation experience. Not only does it change the way the site looks- based upon your profile, it also allows you to create your own personal products. From the fragrance of the product, the ingredients to the packaging of the product can be designed by you. A very satisfying shopping experience. There is also an intelligent agent to answer your questions. Certain services like image projector, live chat and beauty board will be added soon

High Bandwidth.

  2) www.pandore.com/trails
    Each trail is an imaginary world that invites children to take part in wonderful adventures and jump right into a world of knowledge. By interacting with these trails, children engage in learning activities while developing the skills they need to prepare for their first years at school. The seven trails are Story Trails, Math Trails, Motor Skills Trails, Art Trails, Science Trails and Health Trails, all of which integrate Macromedia technology.

In order to develop this site, illustrators and computer graphics specialists worked first in Freehand to create the characters and visual environments, then imported these elements into Flash 3.0 to assemble and animate the various sequences for each game. Then programmers generated surface interactivity (e.g. navigation buttons, labels, etc.) directly in Flash. More complex programming needs (e.g. keyboard events, drag-and-drop, etc.) are handled by exporting .swf files to Director 7.0.

  3) http://www.the-control-group.com/
    This is a new music group's website. Great flash work and background music. Also listen to their streaming music using Real Player Basic 7.

These guys sound so much retro Beatles.

Great layout, interesting presentation, interesting sound navigation.

  4) http://www.teknoland.com/ also http://e-biz.teknoland.com
    Some of the coolest DHTML navigation/ animation and screen layouts I have seen. Very sleek.

Subtle use of grey on their site.

  5) http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/pulseplanet/
    This site provides two minute sound portaits of planet Earth, tracking rythms of nature, culture and science - blending interviews and amazing natural sounds.

This is the NG class is at work here.

  6) Technology to Follow
    http://www.spyglass.com/    Interactive T.V. and mobile data.

http://www.webtv.net/    Interactive T.V.

  7) Fun
    The Great Toilet Paper Debate.   Here's a great opportunity to participate in something utterly pointless. The Great Toilet Paper Debate wants your two cents on what it calls the "the age old question- which way should the toilet paper go?" And you can see what others have contributed.


                   If you have missed any...
Go to: Must See:

Do take some time to weigh the gems, carat by carat, and send your opinion. You are also welcome to send in URL's of websites that have passed your touchstone test and articles on Design Convergence.

send mail to: holodeck_p72@tis.co.in     Subject: Holodeck_P72

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Have Fun

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  Tata Interactive Systems Last Updated 21st Febuary 2000